- Delayed or abnormal speech and language: delays in the development of speech and language provoke a great nervousness atmosphere within the family because it can have serious consequences in the child’s development. They require a thorough study to examine any possible cause that may explain it. Either a general non specific stimulation (EGI), or a specific stimulation if the disorder is purely centred in the language (Verbal Polistimulation and Readwritten, PEVEL), will boost an efficient and favourable progress in most of the cases.
- Dyslexia and Reading disorders: Thanks to IT programs with which we have been working for seventeen years, reading disorders are easily overcome with optimal results. The Reading immersion method and the Tachitoscopic Stimulation (MIL) have proved its efficiency.
- Linguistic Learning Disorders: learning disorders are common within the school context and cause high levels of school failure, deception, lack of motivation both in the child and the family around. Most of the times they are labelled as lazy, unmotivated and resilient when the background problem is their language disorder that explains their array of behaviours. Treatment is usually difficult and complex because most of them are diagnosed too late. During the treatment we teach families to do linguistic modelling with the child, by means of dialogue, discussion, cinema forum training techniques. We also encourage different learning systems so the child will not be truncated.
- Socio-cultural disorders and emotional affective disorder or autistic spectrum: socio-cultural disorders and emotional affective disorder generate great trouble in the child’s speech, learning, and personality. Team work with the psychologist will make the self-esteem, the emotional system adapt to the particular personal situation and be able to grow with it.
- Aphasia: the language loss causes a personal linguistic disaster and a destructuration of the personal context and family. Only with an early stage intervention the patient can try to use in his advantage the brain restructuration. Despite the fact that improvements are obtained after a few years of treatment, work in the first months is essential. Results are often a not a normalisation of their language, but an adaptation, and a way of living with it.
- Anarthria: anarthria, or total absence of language is a very rare, severe condition. It impacts greatly in the person’s way of relating to the world and socially. It will require, in some case, the use of alternative communication systems.
- Attention Disorders: Attention disorders are quite frequent within the school context. When a child gets easily distracted or has a dreamful character, the learning process becomes a burden for the child. This disorder requires a very specific and special stimulation. Over the last decade we have developed specific programs to improve the attention (DIANA). With them, good results are obtained when the child undertakes during the early childhood and in a rigorous way.
- General learning disabilities: Intellectual disability triggers language disorders. Rigorous and systematic work and a long term working plan can give satisfactory results. Success resides in the systematisation of the child’s working efforts. Intelligent Learning Programs (APRI) are providing good results when accompanied by general stimulation.
- Cerebral Palsy: cerebral palsy requires strong work effort and team collaboration, depending on the condition type. Even though some people require a longer treatment in the communicative area it is always necessary to enhance and obtain efficient communication systems.